Seekers & Healers

When I met Nat Ma this summer at La Finca we instantly connected!

My story and his story of how we left the fashion corporate world driven by our passion to explore remote communities and dedicate ourselves to a social cause were very similar. 
When he took this shot of me I had just ended my strenuous relationship with a life I had realised was not aligned with my core essence and you can see the marks of that on my face. 

Looking back at this photo now from that pivotal point of my life I can only wonder in amazement how just a few months of following one's true purpose have the power to transform you - inside and out. 

The road is not always easy, but it’s the right one. 

Check out the interview I did for Nat’s beautiful and exciting project Seekers and Healers below and hold tight, because you’ll see more of him here very soon!

Explore & Follow Nat’s Phorography project at natmaphotography


"One day I stopped paying attention to my mind and understood what my heart had been trying to tell me all these years and then I found my mission.”


Style Controversy interview


Island Life